About Us

International Fertility Academy is committed to its motto of "Learn the Best, From the Best and at your Convenience" Both ONLINE and OFFLINE learning is what IFA is aiming to provide to Doctors.

International Fertility Academy offers a range of Online Training Modules in Infertility Management and Assisted reproductive technology and is targeted for those doctors who are practicing or wish to expand their practice in ART but do not have the time to go for full-fledged training or fellowship. These simple but effective training modules address the various nuances of Infertility Practice that can only be gained by years of practical experience. The content in the online training videos is rich in invaluable insights brought to you by Fertility experts across the country who have had years of academic and active working knowledge in the area of Assisted Reproductive Technology and Infertility Management. The lectures are practical and knowledge-driven and designed to transform your practice in a meaningful way.

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